Jpeg vs Raw file formats

RAW files typically consist of three main parts: the actual RAW data from the image sensor, a camera-processed full-size JPEG preview + thumbnail, and all relevant header and metadata information. For cameras to be able to display the recorded image on the rear LCD or on the electronic viewfinder, the camera-processed JPEG preview is used….

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10 tips for portrait photos

1. Watch and learn how light behaves and moves. 2. a curtain can be a great way to diffuse natural light. 3. when using a reflector, avoid lighting the model from below. 4. keep an eye on how the atmosphere of a shot changes with the light. 5. arrive to the location earlier, take photos…

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White balance

White Balance is an aspect of photography that many digital camera owners don’t understand or use  but it’s something well worth learning about as it can have a real impact upon the shots you take. The range in different temperatures ranges from the very cool light to the very warm light. A digital camera doesn’t…

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Framing Composition

What camera metering mode did I use and why? The camera metering mode I was using was AV mode. Do I have a strong composition? In my opinion I think my composition is good because your eyes go to it. How well did I edit my photographs? I think my editing is pretty good i…

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